The Joint Loss Management Committee is a requirement of the New Hampshire Department of Labor.
Each committee is required to be made up of an equal number or management and employees.
The purpose of the committee is to create Health and Safety Policies and Procedures for the workplace. These policies should be put in place and followed to help in extablishing a safe and healthly work environment for all.
Training is to be provided along with safety equipment and supplies to insure that the Policies and Procedures can be followed.
Diciplinary action is imposed for non-complience with the Health and Safety Policies and Procedures as set forth by the JLMC.
Regular meeting are held by the committee and minutes will be available for viewing in the Town Office and posted on the minutes page of the Town Website.
2019 Members: E. Drinkwater, Chair, David Upton, Richard Pratt, Jason Walter, Mike Tarr, Nick Barrett
9-24-2019 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
9-18-2018 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
4-4-2018 Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
12-05-17 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
8-23-16 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
5-19-15 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
8-19-14 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
5-27-14 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
2-25-14 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
Joint Loss Management Committee 8-7-2013
Joint Loss Management Committee 5-28-2013
7-26-12 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
5-2-12 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
4-19-12 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
4-11-12 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes
4-4-12 Joint Loss Management Committee Minutes